Year 2023 Accomplishments

New Rain Water Tank at the Nkasioki Primary School

My donation from summer tutoring was used to purchase a new 10,000 liter water tank and refill the existing 5,000 water-tank at the Nkasioki Primary School.

Typically in this region, there is only rainfall for two months and for the rest of the months, the area remains as a drought. These well-conditioned full water tanks will be enough to sustain and support all 400 kids and teachers for the school year.  All members of the Nkasioki Primary School will be able to use these rainwater tanks for drinking purposes as the water is very clean, and can use it to wash hands to maintain appropriate hygiene. 

New Food Porridge Program for 2023-2024 School Year

Through the GoFundMe fundraiser (initiated in the summer of 2023) and via year round tutoring,  I was able to raise enough money to secure funding for a year-round porridge program at the Nkasioki Primary School for the 2023-24 school year. This will guarantee that all 370 students in the school will be getting one meal of highly nutritious porridge a day. This porridge consists of corn, lentils, and rice. This porridge program encourages high school attendance and will help to alleviate the overwhelming problem of malnutrition in children.

Providing Essentials to the Neediest Children at Nkasioki

During my visit to the Nkasioki Primary School, I had seen several of the children and observed some of the personal challenges that these kids faced. I had the privillege of meeting 19 of the most needy children of this school and I provided them with basic essentials they did not have (including socks, underwear’s, shoes, vegetables, soap, books, and rice). These kids in this school did not have socks or shoes, had insufficient clothing including underwear, lack of soap, food, and clean water. 

Sponsorship of Mosoni for the year 2023-2024

In the summer of 2023, I have been tutoring 6 kids from the local Sharon Community for about 50 hours. With this service, I was able to raise $360 to sponsor Mosoni for the year 2023-2024. This sponsorship covered her annual school fees as well as school supplies, her annual hygiene (including skin/hair oil, shoe polish, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, and replacement of torn socks for a year), food supply, and medical/NHIF cards. Additionally, I was able provide D-lights for Mosoni’s home as they have a lack of electricity.